Hello and welcome. We are Kit and Joy. We teach and practise yoga in the North West of England and have many years behind us as practitioners.
We share a passion for exploring simple ways of being awake to our experience of living, and delight in helping others do the same.
We like to focus on the ordinary aspects of everyday life – so easily overlooked, but missed when absent.
Let’s remind ourselves to appreciate each present moment – if only to pause, to look up and notice the beauty of a changing sky.
Join us in learning how to keep well and vibrant – for a more lighthearted and less anxious approach to life.
Yoga has helped us both through hard times. Practices now percolate into all facets of our own daily thoughts and actions.
On the mat, off the mat, yoga concerns everyday basics. How we breathe, sit, eat, rest, move, say, do… things which govern how well we feel, think and thrive.
Practices can be potent tools for better outcomes. A moment’s pause , just long enough to change direction – or to say something different.
What begins as conscious practice is soaked up by regular repetition until it becomes part of our behaviour and no longer feels like practice.
We like to remind ourselves and others how to be more comfortable in our skin – to feel more attuned to those around us and more connected to the world.
Losing the fear of seeing ourselves and others clearly helps us behave with greater wisdom, whilst revealing that a life less anxious is in fact a life more kind.
We can rediscover ways to repair from the inevitable knocks of a complex human life, so there can be a spring in our step and a brightness in our eyes.
We can help each other make a better future world simply by doing the things which reveal our better, brighter selves.
With love from Kit and Joy
P.S. Thank you to all our students past and present. Continued thanks to Simon and Henry for their tech wizardry, and to Michael for bravely attempting to tame the beast of Kit’s scribble mountain.
Credit also to our wonderful graphic artist Vanessa Norwood for our groovy YOGATALK logo and for her patience and interpretation of our ideas.