Everything I do these days seems to involve doing it better, making it bigger, finishing it faster! Everyday turning into a race to the finish line. I’ve even started to compete with myself. I do something, then beat myself up for not doing it sooner / better / quicker.
Good grief! (In the words of Charlie Brown).
We are encouraged to live better, eat healthier, exercise more and so on and so on….
These are all very commendable goals, but the constant underlying message is “I’m not good enough… I need to do better”
The message is reinforced through various media over and over. If I didn’t know better I’d be thinking I was broken!
I’m not perfect, striving to be so plays into the hands of negativity. Perfection is unachievable. I will however strive to be the best I can be at whatever I do. Beyond that I will accept what I am and my capabilities – or lack of them – and be happy with that. Safe in the knowledge that I am not broken and don’t need fixing!!!
Accepting our limitations doesn’t make us lazy or poor at setting goals to aim for. It means we can be joyous about the things we can do. The confidence this brings can only encourage us to choose our own goals. It’s within our own gift to ourselves to dream as big as we want.
That doesn’t sound broken to me!