This week has been a fabulous week for the beautiful weather here in the North West. We’ve been able to enjoy clear blue skies and sunshine – what a treat!
It never lasts for too long though. On the bright side, every cloud……… and all that.
Clouds can be spectacular. Playing out in the garden, dreamily staring up into the clouds takes me back to childhood. I would often lay staring at the sky watching the clouds form animal shapes, only to then see them floating away and forming something else in its place.
The shapes are long forgotten and those summer days long gone. What remains is the feeling of elation and fun when I repeat this childish act and see a new cloud animal forming in the sky. I am that child again!
What a special and treasured feeling. It reminds me that I need not take myself so seriously all the time.
Today the clouds are moving so swiftly I hardly have time to see things before they are blown away into oblivion…….I’m off, can’t stop in case I miss something wonderful in that big old sky of ours!!